About us

IKMR – I Know My Rights – is a Brazilian non-governmental non-profit organization, created on the June 4, 2012, with operations in the national territory.

IKMR faz festa para crianças refugiadas em Brasília

It is the only one dedicated specifically to refugee children and it is governed by the provisions contained in the International Convention on the Rights of the Children, the Child and Adolescent Statute, the 1951 Geneva Convention and its 1967 Protocol, the Cartagena Declaration, as well as the Declaration and Plan of Mexico, Law 9474/97 and the resolutions of the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE).

All IKMR funding comes from donations from individuals and private initiative, which makes its financial autonomy possible.


Be devoted specifically to refugee children because they are the most vulnerable in the world.

General Objectives
  • Promote, clarify, raise awareness and defend the rights of refugee children in Brazil, through actions in support of Public Policies developed and validated for this purpose.
  • Work to ensure that the rights of this group of children are respected throughout the country through the creation of short, medium and long term development programs that address key areas such as: education, shelter and health.
  • Restore to refugee children their dignity, their integrity and the sense of individuality, enabling the creation of the necessary conditions so that all of them can develop with plenitude, encouraging their full potential.
Specific Objectives
  • Benefit asylum seekers and refugee children in a situation of deprivation, social exclusion and vulnerability;
  •  Promote the defense and act for the fulfillment of the rights of asylum seekers and refugee children in Brazil up to twelve years old incomplete;
  • Act as a unifying center, producer and disseminator of legitimate content on civil society, serving the purpose of clarifying, informing, mobilizing and influencing public policies in favor of asylum seekers and refugee children in Brazil;
  • Contribute and work with the government in order to think of protective measures, the implementation of which has as purpose the well-being of asylum seekers and refugee children in Brazil, through the creation and monitoring of appropriate public policies;
  • Develop and work together with other institutions, promoting and building partnerships to ensure the protection of the rights of every asylum seeker and refugee child in Brazil.


Who we help

Asylum seekers, refugees and resettled children that are welcomed in the states of Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, the Federal District and Minas Gerais.


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